COVID-19 update

18 March 2020 By halstan@music

The spread of Covid-19 will have a significant impact on our communities and on the way businesses operate up and down the country. Our business continuity plan, which is now in operation, has been designed to take into account the welfare of our people, our clients, and all our partners whom we have dealings with as well as maintain our service levels during this time.

Below is an outline of our plan. Of course, we’re monitoring the situation closely and the below may change based on updated advice from the government or new information.

Protecting our people

We have advised our teams that if they feel unwell or have house-hold members who are unwell then they should not travel into our offices and should follow the most up to date advice provided by Public Health England at the time. We have increased internal cleaning measures and, where possible, have asked our staff to work from home. We have restricted all but essential business travel and have restricted attendance at external events. All production personnel have been split into separate teams with a gap between shifts to avoid contact across those teams.

Protecting our client service delivery to you

We are committed to providing our clients with continuity of service. All of our communication, workflow and accounts solutions are web-based, therefore all of our office staff can work remotely and seamlessly from home.

We are putting in measures to split and isolate our various shifts and teams to decrease the impact that Covid-19 may have on our business should it be contracted by any staff member. We have manufacturing sites in the UK, Germany and the US and several outsourced partners so we have alternative production options should the normal route of manufacture need to be changed. Of course, we do not know the full extent of what the impact of Covid-19 will be. If the circumstances mean we have to change how we work in future, we will work alongside you to find the most effective solution.

Site Visits

For now, we have taken the decision to ban any non-essential visits to our offices. I apologise to any clients and suppliers who were wishing to meet us however we feel this is a necessary precaution given the circumstances.

Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our people and their communities. We wish you and your business all the very best in this unprecedented time. If you have any queries or concerns and would like any further information, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes

Rupert Smith, CEO


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